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Welcome to the International Conference of Bishops, Inc. - an interdenominational Christ-centered body devoted to preparing, promoting, and preserving individuals for the episcopacy and Church Leadership.

1 Peter 5:7


Archbshop Sterling Lands, II, PhD

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Archbishop Dr. Sterling Lands II is the Founding Pastor of Greater Calvary Bible Church of Austin, Texas, and has 40-plus years of pastoral ministry and executive leadership experience.

He is the International Presiding Bishop of the Family Life International Fellowship and Archbishop of the  Archdiocese of St. John the Baptist, Evangelical Episcopal Communion.

He is the COO of the Evangelical Episcopal Communion. He is Co-Founder and President-Chief Executive Officer of the International Conference of Bishops Inc.

He is the Co-Chair of the Pastors Across Texas Coalition. He is the CEO of the Family Life International Bible Institute. He served as a former President of the Baptist Ministers Union, Austin, Texas, and Vicinity. He is a Christ-centered Family-focused Human Rights Activist and served as the National President of the Association for Nonviolent Social Change of America and the Missouri State Martin Luther King Jr Center for Nonviolent Social Change. He actively participated in various civil rights direct actions from 1960 - 1980 including the movement for equitable treatment of and raising the academic standards for Black students in University City, Missouri. â€‹He served as President of the East Side Social Action Coalition, in Austin, Texas. 


Dr. Lands has a Bachelor of Science Degree in Electronics, from Southern University A&M School of Engineering and Technology, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and a Doctor of Divinity Degree, from Master's International School of Divinity, Evansville, Indiana. â€‹Dr. Lands Pastors and supports Bishops and Pastors in the USA, Ghana, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Kenya, South Africa, Pakistan, India, Haiti, and the UK.


He is a Civil Rights Activist and serves as the National President of the Association for Nonviolent Social Change of America and the Missouri State Martin Luther King Jr Center for Nonviolent Social Change. He participated in various 1961 sit-in civil rights protests. He lead the 1980 protest for equitable treatment of and raising the academic standards for Black students in University City, Missouri. He served as President of the East Side Social Action Coalition, in Austin, Texas.


​He is the author of several books: The Winner=s Heart; The Winner=s Way; The Winners Rap; The Winner's Circle; The Winner=s Harvest; The Servant Warrior Leader; The Main Ingredient; Better Choices; and The Integrity Screen. He is a Licensed Professional Control System Engineer and CEO of ANAK Consultants, Inc. He is CEO of the Greater Calvary Rites of Passage, Inc. - Youth Development. He is CEO of Rites of Passage Development, Inc. - low-income housing and economic development.


He has served as Chair of the Austin Parks and Recreation Board, Vice Chair Austin Planning Commission, member Austin Ethics Review Commission, the Start-Up Austin Police Oversight Commission, and a host of other civic and religious boards and commissions. Dr. Lands has a Bachelor of Science Degree in Industrial Technology (Electronics), from Southern University A&M School of Engineering and Technology, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and a Doctor of Divinity Degree, from Master's International School of Divinity, Evansville, Indiana. He is a Certified Managerial Analytics Specialist, at Monsanto, St. Louis, Missouri. 


Dr. Lands and Deaconess Mable L. Minor were married in 1967. They have two sons and ten grandchildren. He is committed to strengthening the family as a Kingdom priority.


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